Uta Müller
Postfach 600 141
D-66 067 Saarbrücken
Tel/fax int+ 681-81 88 41
Uta Müller utför Röntgendiffraktometri till en kostnad av 35:-DM+moms+porto

SGAB Analytica
Box 511
183 25 Täby
Kontaktperson: Mary Ekström (mineralanalys) 08-768 02 25.
SGAB utför mineralidentifiering och andra analyser till olika priser.
Läs mera om detta i Geologiskt Forum Nr 23 från sept 1999 och / eller ta kontakt med Mary för dina speciella önskningar.

Företaget Excalibur Mineral Company utför analyser. Gå till deras hemsida:

Steffen Möckel
Neudorfer Str 18
D-037 324 Burkersdorf
Tel: int-+37 324 870 77


Infraröd, Röntgendiffraktion, Elektronenmikrosonde
Pris: 35 :-DM per mineral oavsett metod/antal metoder.
Med reservation för ändringar.

NIKON Mineralienkontor GMBH,
Rosenstrasse 7
D-37136 Bernshausen-Seeburg
Tel +49-5528-356
Fax 49-5528-8019

Kan utföra analyser enligt katalog. Provet bör vara minst 2-3mm. För mindre prov ges ingen garanti för analysresultatet.
Provet bör vara selekterat och rensat från ovidkommande andra mineral.
Analysmetoder: infrarödspektroskopi, rasterelektronmikroskopi med EDX, mikrosond och/eller röntgendiffraktion.
Pris 35:- DM
Analsyen tar melan 1-3 månader.
För information
Steffen Möckel, Neudorfer Str. 18, D-09629 Burkersdorf. Tel: 049-37324-87077.

Mineralogical Center of Petersburg Paleontological Laboratory unites professional mineralogists and rare mineral collectors from St. Petersburg, Russia.
We offer you to carry out:
1) the identification and certification of your mineral specimens. According to type of task we can study one separate rare mineral grain or rare mineral in association with other minerals (complete mineralogical studying). Investigation in last case also allows to obtain scientific information about origin of the minerals.
2) representative certification of rare mineral collections - this work may be interesting for museums and institutes.
3) complete scientific studying, description and registration in mCNMMN IMA of new minerals - for the last several years our scientists have discovered or taken part in discovering more than 30 new minerals.
Means and methods we use for investigations are diverse and distinguished, but the most distinguished, we hope, you will find the skill of our specialists.
Our staff consist of high-quality specialists in mineralogy, crystallography area as well as in physical methods of stuff research. The main idea of our work is presenting the most complete information about the studying objects. Our works are unique in its thoroughness and precision but prices are considerably lower then at the laboratories in USA in Europe.
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